Wednesday, September 1, 2010

my Poem


An angel walks beside me,
I feel him everyday,
he helps me through lives ups and downs,
and whatever comes my way.
He guides me down the road of life,
and lights the darkest roads,
he picks me up and carries me,
when I can not bear the load.
He helps to ease the pain I feel,
he mends my spirit, too,
he holds my hand, and shelters me,
and gives me courage and strength, too.
He speaks to me with words of love,
and he listens to my pleas,
he was sent here from the lord above,
to guide and comfort me.
I know he's always watching,
though his form I can not see,
its a peace I feel deep in my heart,
that leads me to believe.
An angel walks beside me,
I feel blessed everyday,
that the presence of this angel,
will never go away.

1 comment:

  1. I am honored that you felt touched enough by MY words in this poem to want to share, however, I am disappointed that you did not feel it important to give me credit for my own work. If you could please edit to add me as the author if the poem "An Angel Walks Beside Me" It would be greatly appreciated, as I wrote this poem nearly 16 years ago after the death of a loved one. Thanks- Tonya Moneck
    if you would like to contact me, my e-mail is
